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3.2.5 (10-12-2023)

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:27 pm
by Zofz
  1. ODB++ disappearing holes
    ODB++ allows for mixing together plated and unplated holes in a single 'sub-file'. ZofzPCB splits such 'file' into two to match internal structures. There was a bug that could remove one of the groups of drills in such a case.
  2. Holes List Dialog Improvements
    The dialog will mark the hole in the list if a hole is selected on the PCB (using the 'H' key) before the dialog is activated.
    When the dialog is visible, you can select the hole on the PCB using the 'H' key. It will select the hole in the dialog.
    There are some improvements in the tree display text and in the info box, bringing more relevant info.